Pablo Fuentes


Breakthrough IP Intelligence S.C.

Personal Profile

Pablo Fuentes holds a Master's degree in Intellectual Property Law from the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom, and a degree in Chemistry from the Faculty of Chemistry at UNAM.


From 2008 to 2017, Pablo worked in one of the largest and most recognized law firms in Mexico, being the main point of contact with several of the main transnational pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies listed by FORBES in its top 50 list, focusing his practice on patents for small molecules, biological systems, cannabis technologies, and biotechnology.


Pablo has been a member of the Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property since 2011; he has been president of the sub-committee on biological chemical inventions, and coordinator of the committee on Industrial Designs and Utility Models. He has published articles related to Mexican law and practice in the field of intellectual property in national and international media; and has contributed to the drafting of AMPPI's positions that have been submitted to both the Senate of the Republic and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property on different topics of Inventions.


He is a member of INTA (International Trademark Association) where he is currently co-head of the committee of small and medium-sized companies and a member of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property) where he is one of the two representatives of Mexico in the committee of Pharmaceutical Inventions.


He has been a speaker in different forums representing AMPPI, also by invitation of IMPI, and has taught the subject of Intellectual Property in the postgraduate program of the Master's in Industrial Administration of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and has participated in the Industrial Design department at the university "CENTRO".


Currently, he is a Partner and director of new businesses at Breakthrough IP Intelligence.