Xiarui Dou

IP and Legal Director

Yangze River Pharmaceutical

Personal Profile

Dou Xiarui is a Doctor of Pharmacology, a Master of Laws and a patent agent and is qualified as a lawyer. With over 10 years of experience, she was awarded the title “Chinese Outstanding Intellectual Property Manager” in 2014 and the title “Advanced Individual in Enterprise Intellectual Property Work” in 2016. She has been approved as a member of the specialist database of the Grand Variety Alliance of Chinese Medicine of the Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine. From 2010 to June 2015, she had been employed in the Intellectual Property Department of Tasly Group. She has been employed as the Director of the Legal and Intellectual Property Department of Yabao Pharmaceutical Group, fully responsible for the intellectual property, lawsuit and compliance issues and so on. She is familiar with intellectual property related systems and businesses in China and other regions and countries in the world. With years of practical experience in pharmaceutical enterprises’ intellectual property, she has her own opinions about and is especially skilled in the patent and drug development, and administrative matchmaking and coordination; meanwhile, she has solid practical experience in enterprise intellectual property management. She has published several professional papers in many national periodicals including China Invention & Patent, Electronics Intellectual Property, China Intellectual Property and Chinese Journal of New Drugs.